Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Of all the marketing tools that are being used today, Z cards are now a force to be reckoned with.  These cards have real power to put your company on the map without spending vast amounts of money.
It is no surprise as these apparently small looking cards can hold much information within their hard outer cover.  The secret lies in the way they are folded often into three panels which open up like a fan with the flick of the hand.

These panels are then again folded in separate segments on which information can be given that flows from one segment into another.  You can insert images and prices of the products you are manufacturing.  The trick here is to convince your potential customers that they should choose you as suppliers above your competitors.

This is the reason why the design of these cards is so important.  They need to stand out and to help you design the ultimate card the suppliers of this form of compact media will hold your hand all the way. They will incorporate your wishes into their expert design capability.

Although the old fashioned flyers are still used today, they are much more suited to advertise events to a vast amount of people.  You will still see hand outs in the street.  However, this kind of advertisement is a one day wonder and not suited to company marketing strategy.

The fold cards are designed to fit neatly into someone’s pocket or desk draw and they are meant to be sturdy enough to last a long time.  If your design is eye catching enough, they are not likely to be thrown in the bin like the flyers often are.

Because it is often difficult for manufacturers to climb the ladder of the number one spot on the internet pages, this is a good way to reach a multitude of businesses that are selling products you produce.
These cards have the ability of drawing people’s attention to your products and your website.

If you would like to give Z cards a go then please get in touch with us via http://www.alpha-cards.com/.

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