When marketing your business, you will need to use multichannel marketing. This means using a variety of media to get your message to your existing and potential customers. We cannot cover all the bases here, but we can take a closer look at one of the most common marketing channels: leaflet printing and distribution. Below, we will discuss what makes a good leaflet for a marketing campaign. We will also tell you how to avoid some common pitfalls into which many a good business falls.
Will You Get a Good Response Rate From Leaflet Distribution?
This is the first question that you need to ask yourself, because, clearly, if you do not receive a positive and consistent result from your leaflet campaign then it would simply be a waste of revenue to pursue such an avenue.
Leaflet distribution can be hit-and-miss. A successful campaign relies on many factors including:
- The quality of the leaflet
- The amount of value that the potential or existing customer can gain from the leaflet
- The message that you convey
- Your ability to target the leaflet to your target audience
Unless you plan the leaflet campaign carefully, it can end up being a false economy. However, when successful, you can expect a response rate of greater than 15%, which is exceptional in marketing. In fact, it is one of the most successful, and relatively low cost, options, and this is why it is one of the most popular mediums for advertising.
Your Target Audience
The next thing you need to work out is your target audience. If you do not know who you are trying to attract, how can you expect to be able to reach them? Understanding who your customers are and how to reach them is vital. It allows you to tailor your marketing campaign to the right people, and consequently to get a much better response rate.
Some businesses will send out multiple leaflets, sending some to specific customers, and others to other customers. This allows them to tailor offers, services, and products to the customers that they know are most going to benefit from.
Printing can get very expensive, so it is important to establish your budget. Once you know how much you can send you can choose between the following:
- Sending high quality prints, such as alpha cards, to a select group of customers. This will help to show them that you value their custom, and consequently, create the feeling where they are more disposed to spend money. Alpha cards are good because your customers can keep hold of them. This will ensure that you are high in their minds.
- Sending low quality prints to a larger customer base. This is good if you want to get as many sales from as many places as possible.
Design is very important. We always recommend asking a professional designer for help because they will have a better understanding of what works and what does not work.
If you would like further information about alpha cards then please visit alpha-card.co.uk.
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