Promotional leaflets are one of the best methods of communication between businesses and their potential, and existing, customers. However, some leaflets do better than others do. This is in part due to differences in demand for a specific product or service; but it is also in part due to the quality and style of the leaflet. Some leaflets do better because people find them more attractive. Clearly, it is imperative to create an attractive leaflet if you want to attract more customers. Below, we have provided you with a guideline to creating an outstanding leaflet.
Short and Pithy
People hate to be bombarded with walls of text. This is because we live in the information age. We are constantly presented with different information, all of which require interpretation. This takes up valuable time, and many of us simply cannot be bothered – if takes effort and we could be doing something else instead. For this reason, it is important that you get straight to the point when you are writing your leaflet. Catch the eye and then keep it there with short sentences. We have very limited attention spans (if you have managed to get this far in during the course of this article, then you have come a lot further than many others would reach).
It is all about creating a hook.
Short sentences have greater impact.
Speak in a direct manner and say everything you want in as few words as possible.
An Image Tells a Thousand Words
This is a relatively old expression, but it is true nonetheless. You can convey a lot of information to your customers by making use of a few cleverly crafted images. The image must relate to the product or service that you are selling. For example, if you are creating a restaurant leaflet, you need to have some sort of food on the leaflet – maybe people enjoying a yummy meal. If there is something unique about your restaurant, for instance, if it features a Korean BBQ (- these are amazing, by the way), then show that as a picture. People love novelty, so make sure that you show them the things that are unique to your business. This is known as your unique selling point (USP) and all businesses need one – if you are unsure what yours is, then look at your original business plan because you should have provided details there.
Guide the Eye
You are in control of the leaflet, not the customer. You need to tell them where they should be looking and when, and you do this by arranging your leaflet in a logical order. If you are unsure about how to do this, then a designer can help you. They have experience in these matters and will be able to create a leaflet that works well. Unfortunately, they do cost money.
Be Unique
Think outside the box. As we stated above, people love novelty. Something that you can do is to create a leaflet that few people would recognise. For instance, z folding cards are relatively rare in the leaflet industry. People will be attracted to z folding cards because they will not have encountered many before. They can provide the perfect opportunity to take a unique approach to developing your leaflet. However, it is up to you to create something that his truly unique.
If you would like further information about z folding cards, then please visit